Moving from one place to the next is filled with many things to accomplish and numerous things to think about, so you shouldn't be at all surprised to discover that you've failed to complete a vital task, whether because you forgot about it or simply did not have the time to complete it.
The most effective method to ensure you don't overlook important things when you're making the move is to adhere to an effective moving checklist — the ultimate time management tool to help you from the first day of preparation to the moment you arrive at your new house and perhaps several days after your move is completed.
It's clear that you must decide what you'll do with the food you have prior to moving out to ensure you have the time to make something of it. The first issue you're faced with is that you're not entirely sure what kind of food products you've left in the home.
Now is the moment to take inventory of your food storage. Check out all the places that you store food within your home, such as the fridge, freezer, kitchen cupboards, pantry, basement, and so on. You can then inventory the food items with a pen and notebook. In order to complete the food inventory more quickly, snap quick snapshots of the places in which you keep your food and then go through those photos each step.
Sorting through your food items can be a lot amusing or even an enjoyable distraction from the never-ending task of packing everything to move, box after box...
When you are assessing the food items within your home prior to moving out, take note of the amount of each kind of food item. Also, moving just one olive oil bottle is acceptable; however, bringing five bottles of it to your new home isn't.
It's a fact that time does fly by; before you realize it, there's a chance that you'll be carrying around a number of food items over their expiration dates. Therefore, if you encounter an item of food that is expired, store it in an extra cardboard box to serve the purpose of recycling it in a proper manner.
Don't eat any food items that are past the expiration date, even if it is for just only a couple of days. The risk isn't worth it. Always bear in your mind that your health, as well as the health of family members around you, is the top priority.
Create a plan for using all of your food items that are perishable.
What will you do with the food you have stored in the event of a move?
You've already eliminated the food items that no one should be eating anyway, but most likely, it's been some forgotten items. Now is the time to devise an effective strategy for using the majority or even all the food items that you've got in your home right now. The concept, of course, is to cut down on food waste while moving and save some money during the process.